As a part of fire protection heat detectors have some importance for fire safety in every home that needs automatic fire prevention. Bangladesh is a high-risk country for fire incidents. From this risk, a heat detector has the ability to reduce the risk. The heat detector price in Bangladesh starts from 1500 BDT.

Heat sensors work to detect the heat produced by fire and then the fire alarm systems awake and sound louder to alert everyone.

Heat sensors are mainly designed for areas where smoke detectors may not work. That’s why the importance of heat detectors is increasing in our country.

How many types of heat detectors are available in Bangladesh?

The main two types of heat detectors are available in Bangladesh. Fixed temperature heat detectors The second one is Rate-of-rise heat detectors.

Fixed temperature heat detector:

When the temperature reaches a minimum threshold, then the detectors are activated. The threshold is generally set between 135°F and 194°F. Fixed temperature heat detectors have the capacity to detect fires that are already well underway. However, they do not have the capacity to detect early stages of fire.

Rate of Rise Heat Detectors:

These detectors are generally activated when the room temperature increases quickly. Like when the temperature is up to 15°F per minute. It’s too good for the early stage of fire but this is not effective in detecting fires that are already underway.

Heat Detector Price in Bangladesh.

The Bangladeshi market has a huge price variation for any items. Fire-related items are one of them. So that the price variation may affect the market.

Heat detector prices in Bangladesh ৳1400 to ৳4500. It depends on the brand, quality, and origin of the product.

Heat Detector Maintenance:

Heat detectors are sensitive technical products which is why it’s too important to maintain regularly like once a month. And definitely replace the detector after one year. However, whether the machine is ok or not it should be changed after one year.

Where you can buy, install, or maintain heat detectors in Bangladesh?

You can find a lot of service providers near you, but one thing you should remember is the quality and expertise. As the heat detector is a sensitive device, it requires to selection of a qualified company. Whatever you want product, installation, or maintenance you must need an expert technician.

We have all the qualifications that you want. And we do provide any kind of fire safety related service and product also. Our service ranges all over Bangladesh.


Sometimes heat detectors are used in confluence with smoke detectors to provide early warning of a fire. Regardless, it can also be used as a standalone fire alarm device.  

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